Podcast 72; Essex at Cahir
This week podcast brings us to the year 1599 as the earl of Essex arrives in Ireland to subdue Hugh O'Neill's rebellion, taking Cahir castle in the process. listen to podcast here
This week podcast brings us to the year 1599 as the earl of Essex arrives in Ireland to subdue Hugh O'Neill's rebellion, taking Cahir castle in the process. listen to podcast here
Our January 2021 lecture is brought to us by Dan Finnan. Dan is a Doctoral student at UCC. The subject of his thesis is the life and poetic works of the 18th. century poet Liam Dall Ó hIfearnáin, who lived…
A gala day in Tipperary Town in 1910 with the visit of John Redmond, expected to be the new Irish prime minister under home rule. Marching bands, local dignitaries, speeches etc... Listen to podcast here
The compensation case following the fires on the Massy-Dawson estate in 1901 hinged on arson. Were dissaffected employees to blame? listen to podcast here
In 1875 despite having won his legal battle with his brother over the lease on the family farm Denis Treacy was back in court. This time suing a local doctor. The court case brought to light many unsavory details of…
The story behind a stained glass window depicting a British officer in St. Michaels church, Tipperary Town. https://soundcloud.com/tipperary-libraries/one-wedding-and-a-funeral
Today's podcast features John Redmond, leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party from 1900 to his death in 1918. He devoted his life to achieving home rule for Ireland. https://soundcloud.com/tipperary-libraries/john-redmond-in-tipperary
A recent donation to Local Studies is this copy of a charter from the reign of George 1st. The charter grants to Edward Riley of Borrisokane the right to hold four annual fairs on the 15th of April, June, September…
Around 1842 a new Bridewell was built for Tipperary which still stands today though it hasn't been in use for a century. The Bridewell had twelve male and four female cells and two cells especially for drunks. The new accommodation…
A sixteenth century Tipperary manuscript now in the British Library contains elegy's on five marcher lords of the area, Archbishop John Cantwell, Philip Hackett, James Purcell, Tadgh O'Carroll and Piaras Butler. All noted warriors who spent their lives, including the…