In 1840 Patrick Leahy the contractor for Nenagh Workhouse had a pay dispute with his workers This elegant threatening notice was posted near the works Mr Leahy, it’s repaying evil with good, To forewarn you of the spilling of blood…
Thurles: A Photographic Journey
Tipperary Studies is delighted to present an additional collection of images offering a glimpse into 20th century life in Thurles, Co. Tipperary. This photographic collection was generously loaned for digitization by Paddy Loughnane, a native of Thurles. It includes…
More Historic Postcards online
Our newest addition to our Historic Postcards collection on is this collection from Cash printers of Carrick-on-Suir. Most of the postcards feature buildings and locations in Kilkenny and Waterford.
Memories of Clonmel in the 50s and 60s_part 4
The final instalment of 'Memories of Clonmel in the 50s and 60's' by Noel Fanning Noel grew up in Clonmel in the 1950s and 1960s. He has fond memories of his childhood in the town, where street lights were turned…
New collection on our digital archive
For Explore Your Archive week we have published The John James Quinn (1873-1944) Collection on our digital archive. The collection contains photographs, postcards, and personal letters created and collected by Irish photographer John James Quinn of Ballypatrick, Clonmel in…
Memories of Clonmel in the 50s and 60s_part 3
Some more memories of Clonmel in the 50s and 60's by Noel Fanning Noel grew up in Clonmel in the 1950s and 1960s. He has fond memories of his childhood in the town, where street lights were turned off at…
Growing up in Clonmel part 2
By Noel Fanning MORE MEMORIES FROM THE 50’S & 60’S IN CLONMEL The ladies giving out bread & cocoa at lunchtime in the schools. Queuing at Madigan’s Stationary Shop Parnell St. to buy school books. The Monday afternoon novena for…
Growing up in Clonmel in the 50s and 60s
By Noel Fanning Growing up in Clonmel in the 50’s & 60’s was a great experience. It’s hard to believe now that the street lights were switched off in the town at midnight. Material things didn’t play a major role…
Clonmel Charter School
Silver Spring house in #Clonmel has an interesting history. Originally built at a cost of £907 as a Charter boarding school it opened in 1748. The school was set up by the 'Incorporated Society for the promotion of Protestant Schools…
Bridge castle in Thurles
I've heard that Bridge castle (Barry's castle) in Thurles was built by the Knights Templars but Archdall's Monasticon Hibernicum credits the knights of St. John. Either version is just a tradition. There are no accurate dates for the construction of…