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3rd Brigade commemoration concert

The 3rd Tipperary Brigade Old I.R.A. Commemorative Committee will be marking the War of Independence and the part the brigade played at Soloheadbeg with a commemorative concert featuring music, song and dance with local performers. At Tipperary Excel Thursday 3rd…

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Launch of Tipperary 1917-1921

Thanks to everyone who joined us on Saturday for the launch of our ‘Tipperary 1917-1921: a history in 80 documents’; the 2nd in our series on Tipperary in those formative years from 1913, a follow up to ‘County Tipperary in…

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Hungry Grass

In Irish folklore Hungry grass or féar gorta is a patch of grass which causes great hunger and faintness if you step on it. If you don't eat almost immediately you can die! It grows where a famine victim died…

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