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Podcast 14; JJ Finnan (Myles)

Podcast 14 tells of the exploits of a young Fenian, JJ Finnan in 1866 and '67. Kidnap plots, risings and on the run in Tipperary.The hunt was so well publicised that The Illustrated London News reported it.

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Podcast 12 ; Sex in Cashel

Continuing our podcast series number 12 deals with an amusing episode from Cashels history that demonstrates the power of the clergy in local affairs in the 1930’s. Scandalous unsupervised foreign dancing in Cashel? Not on Dean Ryan’s watch.   listen to…

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A Day in the Life: Tipperary 2020 within 2km

A Day in the Life: Tipperary 2020 within 2km   Yes, life in lockdown is necessary. It is also historic.  Tipperary County Council Library Service wants to record it using the old saying ‘A picture paints a thousand words’. Through…

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podcast 11; An arrows fight

Athassel Priory, Golden, Co. Tipperary was the largest medieval priory in Ireland. Built in the 12th century by William De Burgo for the Augustinians and dissolved in the 16th century it had a turbulent history, being burnt on more than…

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