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Podcast: 1919, waiting for revolution Des Marnane with the help of Cathal O’Donoghue will look at 1919 through a selection of contemporary documents. Des Marnane’s most recent publications are The 3rd Brigade: a history of the Volunteers/IRA in South Tipperary and County Tipperary 1917-1921…

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Labourer’s cottage plans

A recent buy, this little book of plans was printed 'in haste' in 1868 for those landowners who couldn't wait for the winner of the Agricultural Society prize for best labourer's cottages designs to be announced. Some of the explanatory…

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January Lecture; 1919 Waiting for Revolution

Des Marnane with the help of Cathal O'Donoghue will look at 1919 through a selection of contemporary documents. Des Marnane's most recent publications are The 3rd Brigade: a history of the Volunteers/IRA in South Tipperary  and County Tipperary 1917-1921 - a history…

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Christmas Opening Hours

Monday 23rd December - Closing 4pm Tuesday 24 Dec - Sat 28th Dec - CLOSED Monday 30th Dec -Closing 5pm Tuesday 31st Dec - Closing 5pm Wednesday 1st January - CLOSED Thursday 2nd January - Normal Hours Happy Christmas from…

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Atlassel Abbey podcast now available

Thanks to Donal's hard work in the background and the kind permission of Salvador Ryan our October lecture is available online as a podcast or video Podcast: video available here

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December Lecture Tuesday 17th @ 7.30pm

The Castles, Tower, & Fortified Houses of Limerick, 1199-1703 This lecture - which includes the Butler Lordship in Tipperary - presents Joseph Lennon’s extensive research on Limerick’s castles and owners from 1199-1703. He spent 2010-2018 researching and compiling a photographic-survey…

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November Lecture with Salvador Ryan

Thanks to Salvador Ryan for his engaging lecture last night, he took us through some great stories about priests from the schools collection at www@duchas_ie and put them in context. He has also kindly given us permission to post the lecture…

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