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Poverty and the Poor in Pre-Famine Tipperary, Dr. Laurence Geary
In this months lecture from the Tipperary People and Places series, Dr Laurence Geary of UCC will explore aspects of the lives of the poor in Tipperary around the time of the Great famine. In his talk, Larry will discuss topics such as living conditions of the people, diet, illness and disease and changes in population. This takes place in The Source, Thurles on Tuesday 21st November at 7.30p.m.
Preceding the lecture, at 6.45pm, Tipperary Studies staff will launch their newest online collection i.e. Murphy Photographic Collection (Ballinamona, Cashel). The Murphy Papers and Photographs were kindly donated by the Clifton Brown family of Ballinamona House and relate to previous owners, the Murphy family. Over 1,200 negative images taken between 1890s and 1932 by brother and sister Edmond & Kathleen Murphy may now be viewed on the Tipperary Studies website .Most photographs are of Ballinamona House, grounds and family, with several images of social life, farm animals, horses and families in and around Ballinamona. Also included are images from various parts of Tipperary, Ireland and England.
Join us on the 21st in The Source for this exciting dual event. For further details contact 076 1066123.
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