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Emly Historical Society Lecture

Emly historical society are holding a lecture on the impact of Tipperary military barracks from 1870 - 1922. The lecture by Des Marnane will take place on September 20th @ 8pm in St. Ailbe's Parish Hall.

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The Fadden More Psalter

Listed as one of ten major pieces held by the National Museum of Ireland The 9th C. Fadden More psalter was discovered in 2006 during peat cutting in a Tipperary bog. 'Its papyrus-lined cover is direct evidence for contact between…

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Marlfield House plans

Plans for the reconstruction of Marlfield House, Clonmel after the main house was badly damaged by fire in January 1923 during the Civil War

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Great Southern Railways rule book

How do you attract a train drivers attention? Detonators on the line! Loving some of the rules in this 1933 rule book e.g. No blasting without authority of Engineer When a vehicle is not safe to travel it must be…

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