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podcast 10; Bigamy in Cashel

Part one of the story of Mary Burke from Cashel #Tipperary and her marraige to Toby Burke from Dublin. Mary must have been surprised to learn that her husband of five years and father of their two children had, on…

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Be an Historian!

Life in Lockdown Whilst we at Tipperary County Council Library Service may be forced to keep our doors shut for the moment, we are continuing to engage with our patrons, both adult and juvenile. ‘Life in Lockdown’ is different, especially…

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Podcast 9; Romance Tipperary Style

Podcast nine in our series is the story of the abduction of Miss Hurley, a farmer's daughter from near Dundrum in County Tipperary. She was taken from her home by a gang of whiteboys in January 1811. Listen here to…

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Archives Snapshot: Shopfronts

In this video grab we take a look at some shopfront images contained in the image picture collection of Tipperary Studies. Delve further into the image collection on the Tipp Studies archive to see these and a whole lot more…

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Podcast 8; Kilfeakle motte and bailey

In our eight podcast reading from Denis Marnane's Second hundred  we visit the motte & bailey at Kilfeakle, a lasting monument to the Norman advance into Tipperary and one of the earliest outposts of the De Burgos, who became one of Ireland's…

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Podcast 7; Daisy Bates

The story of an Edwardian Irish woman from Tipperary, Daisy Bates, who emigrated to Australia aged 23, reinvented herself, tried marriage,twice; then worked in journalism before moving to the desert and spending forty years living with aboriginal tribes and documenting…

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Podcast 5; The Yelverton case

The Yelverton case was a famous 19th-century Irish law case, where the marriage of Teresa Longworth and William Charles Yelverton, later the Vicount Avonmore, was annulled after William discounted his marriage to Catholic Teresa and married again. The Yelverton's owned…

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