Want to be an Historian?
Whilst we at Tipperary County Council Library Service may be forced to keep our doors shut for the moment, we are continuing to engage with our patrons, both adult and juvenile.
‘Life in Lockdown’ is different, especially for children and now Tipperary Studies wants children, both primary and secondary students to tell us about life in lockdown!
It is the chance to become an historian and record present day life so that future generations will have first hand accounts to experience ‘Life in Lockdown’.
Children can become involved in any or all of the following ways:
- Writing a letter to a friend about present day life;
- Keeping a diary about events;
- Drawing pictures;
- Taking photos etc.
True, we may want to forget these days, but history dictates that we should never forget even the worst of times. So we ask that your children become historians of tomorrow by recording their experiences and forwarding them to :
Post: Tipperary Studies, The Source, Cathedral Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
Email: studies@tipperarycoco.ie

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