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Hungry Grass

In Irish folklore Hungry grass or féar gorta is a patch of grass which causes great hunger and faintness if you step on it. If you don't eat almost immediately you can die! It grows where a famine victim died…

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Sheep stealing acquittal

The Tipperary Free Press reporting on the assizes in Clonmel 1827 included this hilarious acquittal. The judge refused to even hear the case as the chief witness appeared totally ignorant of religion. The sixteen year old had 'Never heard anything…

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The demise of Cashel’s medieval walls

Cashel Heritage Forum are delighted to present the seventh lecture in the ‘Within and Without The Walls’ series on 29.8.2019. Local Archaeologist Richard O’Brien will examine the post-medieval history of the medieval town walls of Cashel in a lecture entitled…

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Historic Graveyards of Silvermines

Launch Night on Friday 12th July 2019 The digitisation of the Silvermines Parish graveyards, a project undertaken by the Silvermines Historical Society has been completed and will be launched on this Friday night, 12th July. Dr John Tierney of Eachtra,…

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Book launch in Thurles

The launch of Upperchurch born writer David Brennan’s new book ‘Upperdown’ takes place at Bookworm Bookshop in Thurles this Thursday 11 July from 6.30-8pm. Though this is his first full length novel, David was one of the winners of The…

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Fleadh Cheoil Roscrea 1964

When the going gets hot..have an icepop! One of the images from the Bergin collection in our digital archive.

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