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Clonmel Chronicle, 21 September 1929
It was six years after the Civil War and the wounds were still fresh. Many would argue that they’re still not completely healed. The feature below concerns a threatening letter sent to a Waterford Garda by a Clonmel native, who cared little for the politics of the former. The background to the case concerned an arrest that the Garda had made of a gentleman in Tramore, Co. Waterford. Aggrieved, his brother took it upon himself to exact some sort of revenge through the postal service, and found himself before Waterford Assizes. It contains some weighty allegations and threats, and an insight into the mind of what some Irish people must have been feeling, not long after a bitter conflict that shaped Irish politics for the following 90 years. When either side arguing about the Civil War mentions Michael Collins then you know things are going to get nasty…

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