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Tipperary Free Press, 29 March 1834
The courthouse in Clonmel saw plenty of use in the lawless years of the 1830s, and for the Spring Assizes of 1834 it adjudicated on 57 murder charges. Only one of these, however, resulted in a capital conviction, the man in question being John White, alias Connors. The murder had been carried out 5 years previous, during 4 and a half of which White had managed to evade capture. He was finally arrested in Redwood Bog, Lorrha, and charged with murdering John Ryan, of Nenagh, with the blow of a stone, on Barrack Street, in that town. White was hanged in Clonmel, and he died “penitently and contritely… a victim offered up to the vengeance of the laws.”

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