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Our Tipperary People & Places Lecture Series kicks off 2018 with Clonmel’s Michael Ahern.
Although never exceeding five hundred members at any given time, Tipperary Friends produced many individuals who won an honoured place both in their own community and in the wider Quaker world. They contributed greatly to the economic life of the community. They aspired to live simply and plainly, be honest in their dealings and industrious in their ways. They opposed violence of any kind and were always to the forefront in promoting charitable causes.
Michael Ahern admits to having a long obsession with the Quakers. He holds an M.A and a PhD from the National University of Ireland . He is a retired vocational teacher and a regular contributor to various magazines and journals. His publications include The Quakers of Co. Tipperary 1655 – 1924, Figures in a Clonmel landscape and Clonmel County Gaol.
All are welcome to The Source on Tuesday, 16 January @ 7.30pm, free admission and refreshments will be enjoyed beforehand. For further information contact Mary Guinan Darmody/John O’Gorman at 0761 066 123
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