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Editors: Mary Ó Drisceoil agus Proinsias Ó Drisceoil

190 Pages; 15 Articles


  • Feature Review: Map-making, Landscapes and Memory: A Geography of Colonial and Early Modern Ireland c.1530-1750; William J. Smyth; Between Spenser and Swift: English Writings in Seventeenth Century Ireland; Deanna Rankin [Reviewed by Hugh Kearney]
  • Ireland and Europe in the Twelfth Century, Reform and Renewal Edited by Damian Bracken & Dagmar Ó Riain-Raedel  The Minute Book of the Corporation of Clonmel, 1608-1649 Edited by Bríd McGrath [Reviewed by John Bradley]
  • The Cambridge History of Irish Literature; Edited by Margaret Kelleher & Philip O’Leary [Reviewed by Proinsias Ó Drisceoil]
  • Figures in a Clonmel Landscape; Michael Ahern [Reviewed by Robert MacCarthy]
  • In Search of Fame and Fortune: The Leahy Family of Engineers, 1780-1888; Brendan O’Donoghue [Reviewed by Frederick O’Dwyer]
  • Dan Breen and the IRA; Joe Ambrose [Reviewed by Tony Patterson]

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