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Freeman’s Journal, 6 July 1810
Landlords and their agents were made of stern stuff in early 19th Century Ireland, and they needed to be. Agrarian violence was rampant at the time and, as ever the case, if there was turmoil in the offing then Co. Tipperary was always heavily involved. Starting in the 1760s with the Whiteboys, the phenomenon evolved under a number of different guises, such as the Oakboys, Rightboys, Ribbonmen, Rockites, Caravats and Shanavests, each with their own particular motives, political beliefs and factionalisms. Intimidation of local land officials and the seizure of their firearms were just a couple of their primary goals, and this report from the Freeman’s Journal gives an account of the bravery shown by John Jones of Whitefort, Holycross, in the defence of his home from intruders. It could be lifted straight from a modern action movie plot. And isn’t it bad enough getting shot without having your waistcoat catch fire aswell…

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