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What is Tipperary Studies?

Tipperary Studies is dedicated to documenting and preserving the County’s rich cultural, social, economic and sporting histories, and aims to offer open, friendly and easy access to the Library’s collections to visitors both in person and through correspondence. The Library will collect, maintain and preserve documents of local interest under secure conditions and make them available, in a number of different ways, to members of the public who have an interest in exploring Co. Tipperary’s past. Tipperary Studies also aims to promote its collections and activities amongst the general public, and this is achieved through co-operation with other libraries, schools, historical societies, government departments, third level institutions and local historians. The Library’s staff is dedicated to assisting researchers with their queries and presenting the user with information from the Library’s genealogical, cultural and sporting collections, in a wide range of formats. Tipperary Studies’ collections are ever expanding, and the Library would greatly welcome contributions of Co. Tipperary related sources to ensure that the history of every facet of Tipperary life, both ancient and modern, can be held in trust for future generations.

Facilities and Services

Tipperary Studies is located on the first floor of the The Source Library and Arts Centre, above Thurles branch Library, on Cathedral Street, Thurles. It is a purpose built archive with facilities that can cater for groups of up to 12 people, such as class or historical society visits. The Library is equipped with four microfilm readers and two public PCs, along with ample study and reading spaces. The Library has been designed to ensure that sources of large dimensions, such as maps, broadsheet newspapers and manuscript material, can be viewed with great convenience and comfort. The vast majority of the Library’s newspaper collection is available on microfilm, which offers the user a printing facility. Depending on the condition of the material, other sources are available to be photocopied, digitally scanned or photographed. Because of the limited numbers of machines available, prior booking is advised, though not essential.

Tipperary Studies Digitisation Project

The Tipperary Studies digitisation project aims to make available online a range of sources, both historical and genealogical, which are part of the fabric which makes up the history of Tipperary.

Many of these documents are unique to Tipperary Studies and one of the aims of the project is to make these sources available to everyone, free of charge, whether you reside within the county of Tipperary or in any part of Ireland or the far flung reaches of the world.

Such are the range of documents and items in the collection that the project is one which is always going to be a work in progress. As items are digitised they will be made available online. To that end you are encouraged to keep visiting the site to see what is new.

The digitisation project is but one element of the work of the Tipperary Studies department. If you have some items which you would like to contribute to this project and share with people worldwide please contact a staff member for advice. Your document will be scanned and returned to you at our earliest convenience.

Tipperary Studies looks forward to contributing to the history of Tipperary in a way which has not been done before. Access to online documents is free and most of the sources presented will not be available to view elsewhere.


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