The Society tries to issue one Newsletter each year – usually early in the year around February [Winter/Spring]. This Newsletter carries information on the forthcoming Journal of the year in question, noting the major articles that members can look forward to in the new Journal and notifies members of the Annual General Meeting. The Newsletter includes yearly financial information and any other issues relevant to the Society’s members. You can also find a special Book Column: a complete listing, plus publication details, of all titles of County Tipperary interest recently stocked in the Local Studies Department of the County Library. This acts as a kind of short notice of titles as against full reviews carried in the annual Journal.
You can now read each Newsletter as it was published. However, you must have a copy of Acrobat Reader installed.
- Newsletter #16 Spring/Summer 2003
- Newsletter #15 Autumn/Winter 2002
- Newsletter #14 Winter/Spring 2001
- Newsletter #13 Winter/Spring 2000
- Newsletter #12 Winter/Spring 1999
- Newsletter #11 Summer/Autumn 1998
- Newsletter #10 Winter/Spring 1998
- Newsletter #9 Summer/Autumn 1997
- Newsletter #8 Winter/Spring 1997
- Newsletter #7 Summer 1996
- Newsletter #6 Winter/Spring 1996
- Newsletter #5 Summer 1995
- Newsletter #4 Winter/Spring 1995
- Newsletter #3 Summer 1994
- Newsletter #2 Winter/Spring 1994
- Newsletter #1 Spring 1993
The Tipperary Historical Journal 2017
Annual accounts are presented by the Hon. Treasurer to members at the Annual General Meeting. The accounts for the last number of years are available to view here.